Saturday, 9 April 2011

Weekend of sunshine.

So. Me and John are unemployed thats the fun of being a temp, though the downside is that on that same very evening (tues) we had bought the next lot of lunch stuff, so we have sanswhich filler we have to eat but I dont really want to eat mine.

So since tuesday me and John have done nothing, been to Gloucester to buy things like warhammer stuff and presents and looking for things that I want for my birthday. I also have complete Dragon Age 2 for the second time, I chose to be a warrior this time and I wanted to go down the Fenris (bad boy elf) romance but ended up with Anders (cut blonde mage with issues) again.

Today it was a larp day at Lickey (Y) and it was sunny which is a bonus though I think I will make robes that do not have fur on them because it gets hot. It was fun there was lots of froth, there was this one point where we were all falling down a tower becasue it was crumbling and we were all handed peices of paper by the mosters that had things that would happen to you and mine said "no effect (be grateful)" which was awesome, some other people got that too and some people got given spells which were bad, and sone people were stuck under rubble ect ect. So much funness, which is what you would expect when taking down a temple!

Anyway I am knackered, I enjoyed pub food and pub time, cheesy nachos and melt in the middle chocoalte pudding are yummy. And it was good to see peoples again, tis a shame I am not going to Derby tomorrow, John has things to do but atleast we get to go to Raglan castle after which will be good as I havent been there before and I will take pics.

Hmm to play DA2 for the third time???

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