Wednesday, 17 August 2011

8 days until Summerfest.

I have been waiting for this all year, and I am really loving this years plot. The speculation of where all these damned undead were heading. Then I became a seeker, which was kinda cool, I do wonder what will happen when we are all in the same place, as we are demon magnets, as proved when demons knew what was in my head and tried to kidnap me, fun times. So we'll be a smaller version of the undead beacon. Yay.... but it will be alot of fun. But before then I have to make a list, then get the contents of that list in to Johns corsa, and ensuring that I have a footwell this time.

The party on Friday was....memorable, figurativly speaking, I think with a mix of the bottle of wine and not eating much i got a tad inebriated, and I may have passed and stuff very shortly afterwards, it amazes me what a blacked out mind can do, I mean I managed to make up stairs and to the bathroom with no struggle, but then things got a little bad, and from what John tells me I called alot of people assholes, only people that deserved it, apart from when I called John one. I also vaugely remember asking for random Dragon Age characters, I asked for Anders, Fenris and Merril, I mean I know why I would want Anders at the time, he is a mage and a healer, so he would make me feel better. I know why I would want Fenris but I don't think I would have wanted him when I was drunk ;) heh heh heh, but I really have no idea why I would want Merril, though I think it might be becuase my friend Cattay was near and she's welsh and Merrill is welsh (she's Gwen from Torchwood.) and I was also apparently calling my pajama bottoms Merrill....I am a crazy person when I am drunk and I laughed alot when i heard it all. So most of saturday I spent most of it on a cloak trying to get a little rest.

Good news to those who haven't heard. My appeal went through and I can get my ressurection, very happy about it. and being at summerfest as a supplicant will be interesting so I think I will be protecting the squishies and maybe doing alot of praying. It will  be good to see my friends both in character and out of character.

8 days...

"I want my Merrill" - Me friday night. 

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