So it is the day after Summerfest 2011. I apologies for spelling errors, I am very tired and my hands don't really want to co operate with my brain. I mean I had to type 2011 like three times because I put 2001.
So Thursday, myself and John pack the tiny car and make our way to summerfest. A funny thing that we saw on our way past Sheffield was as we were passing this police car and another car on the hard shoulder of the M1 everyone who passed them went at like half the speed limit, so my first thought was "How harsh are the police in the north that we have to travel at half the speed limit" .The rest of the day was pleasant, as per usual, people helped assemble the compound and thier tents ect, then when night fell we all had fun catching up, sitting around the fire singing songs, though I think people kind of gave up and went in to thier own little groups to talk. I spent most of the evening wondering aimlessly from place to place, problably becuase I was restless and excited about the impending fun. I think the longest that I sat down was at the fire pit when I was gradually moving further up the pit, firstly because of the heat then I got mobbed by people I didn't know so I moved up a step then the CC came and sat down to have a chat which was nice then I went back to wondering aimlessly until I had to go to bed.
Friday was interesting once everything got going, once all the props were in place, which was this stone alter and three tall stone pillars, with jibberish written on them. Then things kicked off and with Krygonites and fighting and rain, and just as we were finishing the first fight someone slipped and fell, they fucked thier knee so they had to be taken to hospital via ambulance which managed to makes its way through the compound. The King turned up as he does. And we had the High king of Ethrons funeral, where most of the crowans had to protect a princess, and then we burned the kings body which was fun. Other things did happen between the guy getting injured and burning a High King but I don't really remember it.
I think Saturday and Sunday were my favourite days. I really liked the mission we went out on, it was most of the Crowan church, some mercs a mage and some other people, and we went out to get one of these items of kingship which I have never heard of before by the way and I have no idea what they do. But we ended up in this Barrow and we all know what lives in barrows.. a barrow wight, and at this time it was killing us quite happily with its group of undead, and we also don't really know how to get rid of said creature, it got up quickly if you weren't constantly hitting it with an enchant, and if you touched it it would make your arms freeze . So we let it walk slowly behind us as we advanced back to camp, and when we got in to view of camo this enchanter comes out with this automita and that thing carries it back and it carries it to this alley way that was made up and it anything touched the walls they died and were laid to rest, so the automita threw this undead in to the wall and it was destroyed and this skull with a crown fused to its head came flying back at us. Then later on some Axirians (Romans) came along saying they wanted the stones to be destroyed and that there was to be no high king of Ethron and that there would be a govener of Axir, so it might have kicked off but there were like 15 of them and two battle mages and Axirians can be pretty butt hard so I don't think it would have been very good if they kicked off. Then later on in the evening the CC came in as one of his NPC's who was a crazy looking bard. When I first saw him swagger in to the camp I could not stop laughing, so I thought I would spend the evening talking to him, and he was a very funny bard I think both me and my character needed a good laugh, and now when Valvossa looks to the sky she will hear the bard tell her that "North is that way" *points north* and probably giggle, and Valvossa kind of needs a good giggle at the moment with the whole dying incident and loosing two friends to a death and an excomming.
Sunday was battle day, it as a really awesome one at that, I felt the fear out on the field, especially when the mass strike downs went off, though that might have just been becuase of the flash bangs going off so close to me.And the vampires that killed me turned up but I was on the floor when they were being dealt with, it was also kinda cool being on the battle as a supplicant as I had the same consistancy of a mage, but luckily I am liked enough for people to notice the girl in the large red robes when she's on the floor. We also lost one of the other llaminisians before the battle which was sad, alot of people were upset by it but the person playing her was happy enough the to wrapped in cloth and bound when we attended her funeral, but obviously at her wake we did not burn the actual player. After the battle there was an unnerving moment when we thought that the Axirians were going to come back and destroy the stones, so most of the Crowan church and alot of other people gathered around the stones to protect them, I got handed a shield as I did not have mine with me, this shield was very nice but very heavy so I gave my sword to my friend who was playing his new character who only had a dagger, but after like 5 mins we gottold to stand down but be vigilant. I think for most of that night i spent it in the crowan shrine talking about churchly things, then as it got later they all started talking about how they could tell I was an elf by looking at my knees, telling bad tree puns and tell me I was two weeks old. I think at the end of the night it was myself, Peat, Jebbo, Cookie, the pathfinder and Gary all around the bar talking and also at this point its about 2AM and I'm cold and before this Peat lent me his gambason, which is very heavy by the way but very warm and I was very greatful.
So yeah I had the best time at the fest and I wish it was still going becuase being home is so boring and lonely.
I look forward to next year, Peat did a wonderful job as CC, and I hope his plot is just as epic as this years, he can now relax for a while.
I am going to bed now, this has taken forever to write becuase of various things.
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