Golly its November already and its only several weeks until Christmas, but lets not think about all that right now.
This last week has been...interesting, I have started NaNoWirMo which for those who do not know is National Novel Writing Month where people write a story for a month and the target is 50k words. I had also been planning this for the weekend that has just passed. Johns mother made me 50 or so cakes for the banquet which I decrotared myself, only like 20-30 were eaten by other people so I have to eat them now :( I'm gonna be so sick of cake.
Thurday all I did was decorate cake, my fingers felt arthritic afterwards. Friday was a day of getting myself prepared and also getting the second bedroom ready for my friends Peat and Jamie who were crashing here on Saturday, so that consumed most of me day, then I stared at my NaNo and I think I only wrote like 200 words that day, I am using a different font colour everyday, but the other two days I was on fire, so far I had managed like 3000 words or so, I have now passed the 4000 mark. I am proud of myself I have to say.
Saturday was so much fun, I got to see all of my friends though most of them did dissapear off to the exec, our mission was great even if some of it was done a little ham fisted. The second mission looked awesome and I had fun monstering and I was also apparently the kit mule until more of the boys came back from being doomed templar men at arms. As it got darker my vision failed me, so I went to help Bill set up the portal, then I was the portal which was fun though no one got dragged through. I think this year banquet was the best for me, I had so much fun, mostly becuase I was the only girl on my table, I had Peat, Jamie, Nile and occasionally Aiden, Chris T and Ian. I think Tralda was looking down on me ;) I was kept very entertained, Jamie, Nile and Peat were mocking the Knight Commander, all in good spirit though. Chris T came oer at Fifth being strange and crazy. Oh and after getting a vision of ice trolls and getting really cold Sir Harry showed that he was a true noble and offered me his doublet which is strange coming from a Griffon, they should only really set fire to an elf if it was cold :P
Sunday began a little too early that I would have wanted it to, I set my alarm for 7, I probably aimed for 8 and missed. So I couldn't get back to sleep so I came down stairs to read, then I had to make tea for my guests. The missions at bristol were good, though the first one lasted forever, I had to play an Archon of Longstor so I had to lie on the ground and be dead/ dying until they healed me ect. I was there for ages and got very cold so I did little else after that, so once I had finished being an archon I hung out with people behind the portal. Peat got made up as a demon of some kind with a funny looking moustache, but he was not as funny as he looked, when he went to attack he would call a time freeze draw his sword slightly, tell people to fall over then just put his sword away and call a time in. Eep. Our mission was mostly in the dark, but it was fun, there was a moment where Peats character got feared away and I had to shout at him to come back which made me feel so guilty when he knelt at my feet asking what he could do to make it up to me. When we did get he baron to his Revernant brother, the baron died and was be headed, then Sir Harry battled with it and he won becuase he is made of awesome.
So this week will get trying to catch up with NaNo, and getting to LRP again but sadly with less of my friends :(
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